
Chinese Banks Reduce Deposit Rates

China’s major banks have taken a step towards monetary easing by cutting deposit rates, aiming to stimulate economic growth in a country where consumer spending has been sluggish. The nation’s six state-owned commercial banks recently updated their websites, displaying reduced interest rates on yuan-denominated demand deposits from 0.25% to 0.2% compared to last year. The banks also lowered rates on other deposit products, such as the five-year time deposits, which saw a decrease from 2.65% to 2.5%. This move is expected to enhance the profitability of the banks while setting the stage for the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) to reduce other interest rates.

Nomura analysts interpret the deposit rate cuts as a signal that the PBOC is preparing to decrease benchmark lending rates, with the medium-lending facility interest rate announcement scheduled for June 15 and the loan prime rate announcement scheduled for June 20. The analysts have been advocating for a 10-basis-point cut to the MLF and LPR interest rates since mid-May, considering factors such as deteriorating exports, ongoing disinflation, and the likelihood of the Federal Reserve pausing its rate hikes.

Although lower interest rates generally incentivize businesses to borrow and theoretically encourage individuals to spend, it remains uncertain whether reduced deposit rates will lead to an immediate boost in consumption. According to a survey conducted by the PBOC, 58% of household depositors in the first quarter expressed a preference for saving rather than spending or investing, marking the lowest level in a year. Experts argue that reducing unemployment and strengthening job security are more crucial factors in stimulating household spending. With youth unemployment reaching a record high of over 20% in April, China is expected to release retail sales and unemployment data for May on June 15.

In summary, Chinese banks’ recent reduction in deposit rates indicates a potential shift towards monetary easing in an effort to revive consumption. While this move aims to improve the profitability of banks and encourage borrowing, experts suggest that addressing unemployment and bolstering job confidence are key to driving significant increases in household spending.